piątek, 2 września 2011

Zwycięstwo - Winning

The real loser is not the man who crosses the finish line as the last but the one who sits back and does not even try to compete. 

Oscar Pistorius's mother in a letter written to him when he was 11 months and had surgery to remove the legs from the knee down.

Check his site. He is great ! Oscar Pistorius

Polish version
Prawdziwym przegranym nie jest człowiek, któy przekracza linię mety jako ostatni, ale ten, który siedzi z boku i nawet nie próbuje konkurować.

Matka Oscara Pistoriusa w liście napisanym do niego, kiedy miał 11 miesięcy i był po operacji usunięcia nóg od kolan w dół.....  

Recently I found in web this picture and I think it would be good if I post it here... Maybe it is young Oscar or a boy like him who is running without legs. In a way I think it is a miracle or, some may say, miracle of science that they can realize their dreams about running and especially walking. I think most of us don't appreciate things we have untill we loose them... 




“Don't ever give up! If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
- Martin Luther King Jr. 


Hope you are doing great.  Stay inspired and encouraged ! 

Ps. Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything is going to be OKAY ;) 

1 komentarz:

  1. Fajny jest ten facet, podziwiam bardzo. Do zobaczenia w środę^^
